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Kingsley Tochukwu Ughamba, Kelechi Emmanuella Erondu, Chukwudi Uzoma Anyanwu
Odega I Kevin, Akinbo O Fredrick, Idu MacDonald, Benjamin Ogunma Gabriel
Zouhra Doukkali, Khalid Taghzouti, Meryem El Jemli, Yahya Cherrah, Katim Alaoui

Aim and Scope:

The Journal of Basic Pharmacology and Toxicology [JBPT] is a biannual peer-reviewed open access journal (previously published quarterly in 2017), publishes peer-reviewed original research and review articles in the areas of basic pharmacological and toxicological evaluations of natural crude extracts, isolated compounds and synthetic drugs in vivo, in vitro, ex vivo and in silico. The pharmacological evaluations include but not limited to basic pharmacological experiments such as antioxidant activity, antiulcer activity, antidiabetic activity, analgesic activity, anti-inflammatory activity and antinociceptive activity. The toxicological evaluations include acute and chronic toxicity evaluations including histopathological and immunohistochemical studies. The journal welcomes human and animal studies. The journal aims to promote excellence in the research on biological assessment of natural products and synthetic compounds towards integrated healthcare in disease prevention and management. The journal has a very experienced and distinguished researchers in the editorial board. All articles undergo plagiarism check and peer review process and only good quality articles are accepted for publication.